Locust Grove Berry Farm I actually have been to this farm twice. Once last year two weeks after I had Simeon to pick muscadines. It wasn't a total fiasco but I wouldn't call it my most successful venture. I have better hopes for this year. And earlier this week my mom talked me into going to pick blueberries. It's not that I didn't want to go, I have been just exhausted. Simeon's sleep patterns have once again regressed to a newborn as he is cutting teeth, and as I am the one that gets up with the poor dear we have both been cranky. So yesterday it rained and was cool so we went and it was great. I wore Simeon on my back and he had a great time. He picked a few for himself while I was picking. In fact he picked a good many as he was munching and smacking most of the time I was picking. I'm really looking forward to muscadines in a month.
Hope Fruit and Berry Farm is a wonderful u-pick that I haven't actually visited, although I really want to. The family that owns this place sold at the market when I was selling bread, and they are super nice. There is a schedule on their website of when they visit local markets.
I feel like my lack of sleep is keeping me from doing things I need to for my family, but God will help me do all I need to do. I'm thankful for my family, because with out their help I don't know how I'd make it through exhausting times like these.
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